Tuesday, November 30, 2010

सत्यम.. ज्ञानम.. अनन्तं.. ब्रह्मा...

Embodiments of Divine Love,

You are incarnations of God walking on this planet having taken the human form. This is a very sacred temple proclaiming unity of various religions and has vibrations of the saint who proclaimed that all religions are one. Sadhu Vaswani. If you replace the “a” with an “i”, it becomes viswani or viswavani or voice of the universe.

Whoever sage or incarnation may be they all proclaim one message, the message of peace, world peace. It is our duty to make heaven on earth. We have to build character of human and make him strong. We have to make him completely human. We have to inculcate 100% human values. 100% humanity is divinity. Aim of divine incarnations is not only to build character of man, but also make him strong and make him stand on his feet and then mould him into a divine human being and a great soul and eventually transform him into God himself.

Voice of universe is being delivered by incarnation, that is the divine voice. You may ask Why? What? In this country we are used to asking questions like “What is the need for me?” “What is the use for America?” “How does it benefit the world?” Only if the answer to all these questions is “Yes” they will go for it. They must benefit, their country must benefit, the world should benefit. You may ask me how voice of universe will be voice of God? What is it? You may also want proof for it. You will want scientific, logical and radical proof. The Vishnu Sahasranama which we all chant is the proof. We all worship Lord Vishnu. Who is Vishnu? Where is he? In what form is he? We have to know. If I have to come to America, I should know answers to questions like to know where it is, how to get there, which aircraft I have to take and where it will drop me. I have to figure out all these things.

Embodiments of Love,

In the Vishnu Sahasranaamam , the first name of Lord Vishnu is Viswam – the universe. So to worship Vishnu you have to worship the whole infinite universe. Vishnu is none other than the universe. There is no difference between Viswa vani(voice of universe) and Vishnu vani(voice of Lord Vishnu). There is no difference between Bhagwad Gita(Vishnu vani) and Viswa vani. None of the incarnations has said anything which is different from Viswa vani. They are just relay stations relaying from Viswa vani. That means the message is coming from God himself. That is why, whenever I give my message, I always start with :

Guru madhye Sthitham Viswam , Viswa madhye sthitho guru
Gurur Viswam Nachanyosthi, Tasmai Sree Gurave Namah.

Essence: In the midst of Guru is situated the Universe. In the midst of the Universe is located the Guru. Guru is Universe, Universe is Guru and they are not different. Salutations to the Guru.

The power inside me is only due to grace of Guru. Guru is none other than the universal power. I am only a reflection of the infinite cosmic power that is in the universe. I am like a bulb giving light because of the current passing through me. The source of this current is the universe. If the bulb has to glow, there has to be a switch. The switch is in your heart, in your will power. You will ask me “Swami, you say that the switch is in your strong will, then you say it is in your heart, so what do we believe?”

When we want to do something the planning takes place in the brain, but the will or urge to do that arises in the heart; the action is performed by the spinal cord. So there are three Grandhis one each in the heart, brain and spinal cord.

Embodiments of Love,

We make a will strongly in the heart. We carry out planning in the brain. The orders are given to the spine and the spine performs the work. All those who have studied science know it. Listen carefully, What is this Grandhi? We all know Grandham – a big sacred book. The word Grandham has come from Grandhi. When the essence of the grandhi’s comes into the brain of a person and he converts it into a book it becomes a “Grandham”. Unless you have Gyana or knowledge how can you write a book ? Since knowledge comes from the Grandhi any book is called a Grandham.

My divine blessings to Subba Rao who has taken the noble task of spreading Vishnu Sahasranama and the Lalitha Sahasranama by going to their houses and chanting these prayers.

The explosion or the splitting of the grandhis is very beneficial to mankind. Imagine a bud blooming into a flower; this is exactly how explosion of grandhi or “grandhi chedana” takes place. It is like a knot and when the knot is opened the cosmic light enters it. Now inside nothing there is everything. Unless you know how to exercise control on the grandhi you should not try to open it just by reading some books. Now a days we don’t even open a parcel without knowing what is inside it.

The Lalitha sahasranama says that we have lots of grandhis. Brahma grandhi, Vishnu grandhi and Rudra grandhi and when all the three grandhis explode good things begin to happen. You can visualize this as a box inside a box, inside a box …. When you open up the box that is innermost you become master or owner of the treasure.

Listen to what grandhi trayam is. There are three grandhis namely Vishnu grandhi, Brahma grandhi and Rudra grandhi. This is grandhi trayam. Where are they? In the heart is the Vishnu grandhi. In the brain is the Brahma grandhi and in the spinal cord is the Rudra grandhi. Goddess Lakshmi resides in the heart. Here it is not the form we are talking about but the universal power. This is the Iccha Shakti – the universal will power. Spirituality is as easy as eating a banana if someone peels it for you. I am reminded of Lord Krishna and Vidura. Sri Krishna went to Duryodhana’a palace to convey the message of peace. Duryodhana arranged a feast in his honor. Lord Krishna said that he didn’t want such a big feast and instead he wanted to go to Vidura’s house. Krishna went unannounced and unexpectedly so Vidura offered him Bananas. He seated Lord Krishna and started peeling the bananas and started feeding Lord Krishna in ecstasy. After some time Vidura came back to his senses and realized what he was doing. He was giving peel of the banana to the Lord and throwing away the fruit. Sri Krishna was enjoying what Vidura was feeding him. Vidura felt very bad and said, “Lord, in happiness and ecstasy I fed you the peels, at least you could have told me what I was doing. Please forgive me.” Lord Krishna said, “Vidura, only now do I know that even banana peels are so sweet. I enjoyed them. You have put all your devotion and love inside this so it is even sweeter than nectar itself.” When I go to peoples house also sometimes people get confused and forget things which they wanted to do. I view it as a mark of excessive and sincere devotion.

Poola gutthulu enni pooja lo unchina
pulakarinchapodu pucchukodu
hridaya kamala mosaga sadaiyudai grahinchu
Viswayogi maata vinina phalamu.

Even if you offer bunches of flowers to the Lord, he will not be happy or accept them. If you offer the lotus of the heart, he will happily and eagerly accept it. You will benefit by listening to Viswayogi’s word.

Pattu patti viduva(2), palakadu raa Gurudu
pattu pattakanna palakadu asalu
pattu viduva raadhu(2), paluku valayu nunna
Viswayogi maata vinina phalamu.

Guru will not respond to you if you let go of him after holding him. He will not respond at all if you don’t hold on to his feet. If you keep holding on to his he has no choice but to give you his blessings.

One person went to an elder and asked him to get him a job. The elder said, “Ok, I will see.” Then next morning when the elder was opening the gate for the newspaper this person was waiting outside and asked him “What about my job?” The elderly man again said, “I will see.” The elderly man went to the market and he finds the man who wanted a job again. Again the man reminds the elder about the job. Now this influential man knows that the man will not leave him till he gets him a job. So he gives him a job. Similarly a Guru also tests you many times in different ways. If you don’t leave him he blesses you and takes you to a higher level. After all even to get your little kid admitted in KG you have to meet the principal, have interviews and give donations etc. So to get Guru’s grace you have to stand the tests he gives to elevate your status.

Embodiments of Love,

In the heart is the Hrid Grandhi also known as Vishnu grandhi or universal will power or Lakshmi. Brahma grandhi or Saraswati is there in the brain in the form of knowledge so it is called the power of knowledge. Unlike in the movies where they show Brahma’s wife sitting next to him the scriptures say that Goddesses Saraswati resides on his tongue. Just imagine if the human beings wife is on his tongue, what would be her plight each time he gets angry. The reason for saying that Saraswati is on the tongue is because Saraswati is the power of speech – “Vaak Devi”. Why Lord Brahma has four faces is because Saraswati is in four forms namely Para near the navel, Paschyanthi in the heart, Madhyama in the vocal cord and Vaikhari on the lips. What I am talking now begins from the navel and comes out of the lips. The yogis and Siddhapurushas also have a fifth power called apara Shakti. One man had cancer of the vocal cords. If he wants to talk the voice will not come out. There is nothing which science can’t do. They can put an artificial vocal cord.

Brahma’s wife is in form of Vaak Devi. Who is Brahma? Where is he? In what form is he? How do we find him? Whatever is pervading the universe is Brahma. What is the proof? The proof is “Satyam Gyanam Anantam Brahma”. The essence of all the scriptures is :

Satyam Gyanam Anantam Brahma
Satyam Gyanam, Satyam Anantam, Satyam Brahma
Guyana Satyam, Gyanam Anantam, Gyanam Brahma
Anantam Satyam, Anantam Gyanam, Anantam Brahma
Brahma Satyam, Brahma Gyanam, Brahma Anantam
Brahma Brahma Satyam Gyanam Anantam Brahma

Satyam means Truth. What is the real truth ? The real truth is Gyanam, the divine knowledge. Where is this knowledge? How is it? Real knowledge is Anantam which means infinite and it is everywhere, all pervading. It is in the form of divine glowing waves. That is Brahma. He is God. If you want to know where Goddess Saraswati is then go back to the primordial sound of “OM”. It is coming from the internal depths of the cosmos. If you are able to capture it, hear it and practice it then that is Viswavani, the voice or message of the universe. “OM icchekaksharam Brahma” . OM is aksharam(indestructible) and form of Brahma. When we want to do aksharabyasam for our children we are first teaching them to write “OM” as it is aksharam or indestructible. You may ask that if we can erase it after we write it then how is it indestructible? You might have erased it on the slate but you are imprinting the vibrations of “OM” in the heart and from there it can’t be erased.

Embodiments of Love,

As far as we are concerned Vaak Devi or power of knowledge resides in the brain. This is for the individual mind. The cosmic universe also has a mind, the universal mind. So Hrid grandhi is in the heart, Brahma grandhi is in the brain. Rudra grandhi is in the spinal cord. Rudra means Lord Siva. Who is Lord Siva’s wife? Goddess Durga, the power of action is in the spinal cord. So we have Hrid grandhi(heart), Brahma grandhi(brain) and Atma grandhi(spinal cord).

When I came to the USA in 2001, and landed in the Los Angeles airport, the immigration officer saw me and said, “Welcome Swami. Welcome to America.” He asked me, “Swami how do you feel?” I said I am not feeling any strange experience, I am feeling homely experience that I feel when I am moving in Viswamandiram. I am not feeling anything strange. According to me coming from India to America is like coming from one room of a house to another. If you ask me, "Swami, which room do you like the most?" I will simply smile and tell you that I like my house very much. The whole world is a house and each and every country is a room in it. We have to love the whole world, not just a single country or room.

All gurus are worthy of worship but the disciples are creating differences. This is wrong. It is not enough to worship a Guru. You must follow what he says. You must make his ideals as your ideals and his goals as your goals and walk in his footsteps.

We should follow the saying of Indian Sanaatana Dharma “Ekam sat viprah Bahuda vadanti” meaning that the truth is one, the learned talk of it in different ways. The civilized universal outlook, our Sanaatana Dharma said “Vasudaika kutumbakam” which means the whole human earth is one human family. The ancient sages and rishies who proclaimed this were not selfish. They didn’t have any plans to popularize their religion or to dominate anyone. In reality the Indian Sanaatana Dharma is not a religion. It is a universal way of human thought. This is a philosophy which says and wishes “Lokah samasta sukinoh bhavantu” i.e. all the worlds should be happy and peaceful. At the end of any ceremony you have at home the priest also prays for peace of entire humanity. We belong to that great civilized way of life.

The trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Maheswara is nothing but the universe. Lakshmi, Saraswati and Durga are one. When you have a strong will to do something it is known as Iccha Shakti. When you are planning it is known as Gyana Shakti and when you are performing it is known as kriya Shakti.

All of you know that the spinal cord obeys the orders given by the brain. The brain must obey the order of the heart. But now a days we have lost the connection between the heart and the brain so we see all the problems.

You will now ask me that since the explosion of the grandhis gives infinite energy how that can be accomplished. Now that is a secret. Even the Lalitha sahasranama says that it is a secret and it should not be revealed to the unworthy. Our Sanaatana dharma is like democracy. Any one can follow it and can enlighten himself irrespective of caste, creed or religion, age or sex.

Embodiments of Love,

For the explosion of the Hrid grandhi, Brahma grandhi and Atma grandhi it takes 21 years of practice. For Hrid grandhi explosion itself it takes 12 years. If you have grace of Guru, Sadguru and get initiated by him and follow what he says then after 12 years explosion of the Hrid grandhi takes place. Saadhana is nothing but effort which you put in to achieve something. If you want to become a doctor you go to different coaching classes, study till 5:00 AM in the morning. Even that is saadhana. Explosion of Hrid grandhi is like lighting a flower pot(Diwali fire cracker). The explosion from the Hrid grandhi touches the brain. This is the starting point. Just as when you take a grinding stone and do grinding it produces vibrations, similarly explosion of Hrid grandhi vibrates the grandhi in the brain. To untie the knot it will take you 6 years. Once the explosion of Brahma grandhi takes place you are blessed with infinite knowledge. One gets knowledge of all the fields and can talk to people from any profession very competently. There are many examples some of which are poet Kalidaasa, Satya Sai Baba, all yogis and Siddhapurushas. After this it has to move to the spinal cord. The explosion of Brahma grandhi makes the Ida and Pingala nadis move and it awakens the sushmanna nadi. There are six energy centers in the body and the sushmanna comes up without our knowledge. For Rudra grandhi explosion it takes 3 years. So in 21 years all the three Shaktis have merged i.e. Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwara have merged and the resultant form is what we call Dattatreya or Datta Shakti. Yoga means union of the individual power and the universal power. Your mind and the universal mind unite. Once there is no difference between your personal mind and the universal mind the power keeps flowing through you. Once you are connected to the universal source your power will not reduce how much ever you use it.

Embodiments of Love,

Those who have united the three Shaktis(powers) namely Iccha Shakti, Gyana Shakti and Kriya Shakti have made direct connection with the universal power. The aim of human life is not to leave the body and go away but while you have the body you should make connection with the universal source and make yourself a good instrument so that people around you will be benefited. That is why it is said “Sarira madhyam khalu dharma saadhanam” meaning that this body is just an instrument for us to some good work on the earth. So remember that you should not neglect this body at any moment, at any time. “Dehame devalayam, hridayame daiva peetham” – Body is the temple and the heart is the altar of God. So we should keep the body pure and sacred as it is the seat of God. You should aim to have connection between universal power and yourself and not leave the body. A yogi after he dies becomes immortal or eternal. How is this possible? What is dying? Death is going away from the body. Once you separate the “I” from the body they take the body and cremate it. What a yogi does is that he cuts the connection between himself and the body. That means he is dead. Once he is cutting the connection between Himself and the body he is establishing a connection between himself and the universal power. That is how he becomes eternal.

Do you know who is a Parama Yogi? Who is eternal after passing of so many ages? Hanuman is a Parama Yogi.

Yatra yatra raghunatha kirtanam; Tatra tatra kritha masthakanjalim;
Bhaspavaari paripurna lochanam; Maarutim namata raakshasanthakam

Meaning: We bow to Maruti, Sri Hanuman, who stands with his palms folded above his forehead, with a torrent of tears flowing down his eyes wherever the Names of Lord Rama are sung.

Some one came to me one Saturday morning in Guntur and said that he had done a big pooja to Lord Hanuman with betel leaves. I advised him that Hanuman will become your slave and do whatever you want by your mere chanting of Lord Rama’s name so worship with betel leaves is not even necessary.

Lord Hanuman is a great example of a Parama Yogi who keeps chanting the name of Lord Rama and has Rama in each and every atom of his body. Even after the incarnation of Rama left the physical form Hanuman is still alive and wherever Lord Rama’s glory is sung he blesses the devotees. He is Pavana suta, son of Lord Vayu(Wind God). Vayu is nothing but your prana or life. The entire life of universe is within you. We have five “pranas” and these in turn have little pranas – upa prana and a maha prana. All these are one. We call them the eleven rudras. When we worship Lord Siva we say the Rudram 11 times. What we are doing is that we are invoking the eleven Shaktis(powers) within us and we are uniting our Shakti(power) with the universal power. Is anyone bothering to find out the significance of these poojas? The body is nothing but the representation of the universe. Atom and universe are same. Atom is identical to the human body and is identical to the infinite universe. All the infinite divine powers are within us. We talk of the seven wonders and so on, but the best wonder on the earth is the human body. We are fighting over man built temples, mosques, churches etc. but we are neglecting this body – the temple made by God. It is a moving mosque, moving church and moving temple. That is why body is temple of God.

Embodiments of Love,

Our ancient sages have searched and researched about this body. The figured out how to strengthen this body. They closed their eyes and looked within. They opened their eyes and looked at the universe. They thought about how man could be strengthened and came up with some rules and regulations. Those rules and regulations were given the name Sanaatana Dharma, the universal constitution and code of conduct. They have covered all aspects of life e.g. about food intake behavior, our conduct, relationship between husband and wife, how a king should behave etc. and came out with rules for everyone and everything. If we live our life following these rules and regulations our life will be like in heaven. “Manayoh manushyanam karanam bhanda mokshyoh” this means that the mind is the root cause for everything. Even Milton has written about it in his book “Paradise Lost I”. If you are familiar with this book, after Adam and Eve fall to the earth after eating the forbidden fruit Saturn delivers a discourse to enlighten Adam and Eve which is covered in 20 pages of this book. There he says that mind can make heaven out of hell or hell out of heaven. That is why I always say that a problem is a problem until and unless it is solved. If you are capable enough to solve the problem there is no problem at all.

Embodiments of Love,

Your mind is the root cause of everything. Even desire for wealth is born in your mind. According to homeopathy even diseases are born in the mind. So if medicine is given to the mind the diseases of the body can be cured.

Embodiments of Love,

You think that by the touch, sight and some natural remedy of yogis and Siddhapurushas your diseases are cured. But they are not curing you by medicine. They are increasing your resistance or natural immunity by transmitting cosmic current through you. The disease is still there in a dormant form and it won’t do anything to you. They are not giving medicine to the physical body but are enlightening the causal body. They are treating the causal body, from there power comes to the astral body and finally to the physical body. They touch the source of the disease.

During the Mahabharata war, Lord Krishna told Arjuna to get up and fight the enemy. Arjuna was dejected and said, “I can’t kill my grandfathers, uncles, teachers and friends”. Lord Krishna tells Arjuna that he has already killed each and everyone of them. All Arjuna had to do was to lift the bow and physically kill them and complete the formality. Once the astral body is killed the physical body falls down. Krishna has done everything using Arjuna as an instrument. Lord Krishna preached the Bhagwad Gita for us. We usually think that for a discourse there should be at least 20, 30 or 50 people. But Lord Krishna didn’t think like that. He just caught hold of Arjuna in the middle of the battle field and non stop he sang 18 chapters. Arjuna was the only listener. Arjuna didn’t have an option but to listen. During the discourse Lord Krishna told Arjuna about Karma yoga, Gyana yoga and Bhakti yoga the different ways to reach the Lord. Arjuna was confused and said, “ O Krishna, you have told me so many paths but tell me which one I should follow?” Lord Krishna told Arjuna “All the paths were good you can follow any one of them, but “Yogivi ka” – Be a yogi. Which means connect your mind with my mind at all times and then you can follow any path you want.” If ones mind is connected with God or the Universal mind there is no reason for fear. It is like an airplane connected to the control tower. As long as the airplane has a connection with the control tower, there is no reason for fear. Once it loses its connection, then we have to worry about its whereabouts. Similarly as long as you have connection with Guru or God, you have no reason to fear, since he holds the remote control to protect you.

So wherever you are, whether in India or America, Australia or the North Pole or even in outer space, if you keep connection with Guru you have faith in you will be happy and you will get his blessings. You need not physically cling to your Guru. Wherever you are do your duty and just have connection with him. If I want to listen to BBC I need not be in London. I can be anywhere and tune in. If I want to hear the Voice of America, I need not be in America. If I tune in I can hear it from anywhere. If you want to hear the voice of the universe you can be anywhere in the universe and you can tune in. That is Viswa vani. That is the divine message. That is the Goddess of Speech. That is Iccha Shakti(power of will). That is universal power of action. The power of will, power of knowledge and power of action are not different. It is a gradual transformation of the same power. Just like a seed, plant and tree. Once will power is established it is translated into knowledge for planning then it transforms into action. If you have the grace of Guru you don’t have any reason to worry and everything will come to you automatically. For example, when I return back to India people will ask me “Swamiji did you eat pizza in USA?” There are two ways. I can ask someone how to make it and get all the ingredients and make it myself. In that case we don’t know whether we can eat that pizza or would be forced to drink it! The other option is I could tell my hostess that I am going to give a discourse and that I would be back in 2-3 hours. By the time I am back the pizza would be ready. I wouldn’t know how it was made, what the lady of the house did, whether she burnt her hand in the process. In other words I will get the pizza without being aware of what the lady of the house had to undergo to make it. I wanted the pizza and I get it. Similarly if you have the grace of the Guru he will bear all the suffering and see that you get what you want. Now coming to a real example, we all know Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and Swami Vivekananda. Ramakrishna Paramahamsa’s disciple was Naren and he is known as Swami Vivekananda. Did he do any Saadhana? He used to ask everyone he saw if they had seen God or had conversation with God. He went to Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and asked the same question. Ramakrishna Paramahamsa told him, “I talk to Mother Goddess just as I am talking to you.” He also said, “What took you so long? I have been waiting for you for so long.” Vivekanada thought that Ramakrishna Paramahamsa was really crazy. Initially Vivekananda did not have devotion for Ramakrishna Paramahamsa nor did he treat him as his Guru. But Ramakrishna Paramahamsa got cosmic orders that he should transmit cosmic energy to Vivekananda and spread his message of Sanaatana Dharma all over the world through Swami Vivekananda. He knew that he was the disciple he was waiting for. Ramakrishna Paramahamsa was a great saint. He touched his disciple while he himself went through all the universe and all power paths, reached his goal and then came back and transferred his power to his Disciple. He did this at three different times. Then he said to Swami Vivekananda, “You have become rich and I have become a beggar.” This is a proof of a Guru by mere touch transferring his power to his disciple. There are instances in the bible where Christ has cured diseases of many by touch. If you go through the life stories of Shiridi Sai Baba and Satya Sai Baba there are many such instances and miracles. These are not miracles but the real truth. It is natural to them and it is a miracle for us.

Just as surgery is natural to a surgeon, walking on water or something like that is natural to yogis. In St. Louis they built the magnificent arch. When I saw it I felt that it was a bridge between the east and the west. Are we saying that the engineer who designed the arch was endowed with miraculous powers? Similarly for the yogis, mystics and saints such actions are their natural tendency. The sun is shining brightly. Just as sun burns himself and gives light to everybody the yogis sacrifice themselves and give light to everybody. They are like generators. They generate electricity and they don’t benefit out of it. So either you have to be a generator or you have to take electricity from the generator and try to be useful to the others and the society. Whether you have to be the generator or use the generator to benefit yourself and the society is up to the will of the Parama Gurus.

Embodiments of Love,

Guru is more than mother, more than father. He is a friend, advisor God and doing everything he is also nothing. By touch, sight and by will he transmits power. Wherever the disciple may be he protects the disciple like the eyelid protects the eye and makes him reach his goal.

Guru establishes connection with the cosmic power. Then you could be anywhere and he is with you. Some people in this hall may be cured of their diseases without even taking medicines. It all depends on their faith, will power and devotion.

When I visited this country in 2001 I saw a book in some one’s house titled “Meditation is a crime”. The same evening in my discourse I said that “Meditation is not a crime but medication is a crime and sin.” Meditation is divine. It is said that if you do some sin in the past it comes back to you in form of a disease. I don’t believe it because even if I don’t do anything bad if I sit near some one who has done something bad, even that I have to bear. There is a way to get rid of the bad deeds we did in the past and that is by doing good deeds now. I am saying this because people are taking refuge in the Karma theory and say that it is destiny that rules and they don’t do anything. They are misinterpreting the Karma theory.

Suppose you are in debt you can get rid of it by working really hard day and night and also on the weekends and you can pay off the debt. Similarly you can get rid of your past karma by doing good now. My interpretation of weekend is slightly different. Weekend is meant for getting rid of weakness we get due to discharging of our duties from Monday to Friday. When I was in Columbus it as raining very heavily one day and water was flowing on the roads and the car was hydroplaning. I jokingly remarked that all these days I used to wonder why but now I know probably why people go around with boats tied to their cars in this country. The point I am trying to emphasize is that people here go boating during the weekend. When they go in the stream they are releasing stress from their minds and are relaxing. All of you staying in this country listen carefully, you should not store the stress you should release it then there is no stress, anxiety and tension. You use all kinds of soaps and cosmetics for your body but it is much more important to take care of your mind. You must give food to your mind and enlighten it too. Just because I am asking you to release the stress don’t make the mistake of taking it out on everyone who comes to your house. How to release the stress in a peaceful way. It’s very easy. It’s dead easy (saying it the American way). When I heard this term “dead easy” the first time I thought that it was easy like when one is dead because then there is no happiness or sorrow. You must keep your mind energetic. You come back from work after having a bad day and you take it out on your wife. What can she do? She in turn takes it out on the kids. The kids won’t keep quiet they will create hell in the house and start crying. If you are faced with a problem and want to solve it you are faced with so many thoughts. If a problem appears before us being educated and intelligent we should think, plan and solve the problem. We should not get confused or confuse others. When I came here some one asked me “Swamiji are you facing any language problems?” I said that I was not having language problems but I was having pronunciation problems so it takes a while to understand certain things. But most important of all is the heart should understand a heart.

Yogis, Siddhapurushas and incarnations have always been saying that there is only one God and he is omnipotent and omnipresent. There is only one religion namely the religion of Love, there is only one caste – the caste of humanity, there is only one language the language of the heart. There is only one law - the law of duty. This must be the motto of each and every person. If someone asks you “Who are you?” You will say “I am an Indian” or “I am an American” or “I am a Hindu” or I am a Christian”. No, we should not say that. First of all you are a human being, then comes country, religion or caste. We need not leave our caste or religion but first of all we should be happy, cooperating with each other and affectionate.

Embodiments of Love,

You should make yourselves very strong then there won’t be any weakness. I can go on talking like this till 5:00 am in the morning, then I will take a shower and go and deliver another discourse without any sign of tiredness. That’s what I have been doing. You will wonder from where and how I must be getting this energy. You will think there is a secret to this or that I am connected to some source of cosmic energy. If you just find out what this connection is and you also have this connection then you will not need anything else.

Let me quote just one more example. When I was in Delhi for a conference on Universal Integration and Peace a lady named Indira came to me introduced herself and said that she was the General Secretary, world women federation. She said to me, “Swami, I am a drop and you are a ocean.” I smiled and said, “Mataji , there is no ocean without drops.” Then I said “Mataji can I ask you a question?” After going back from the USA even I learnt to ask questions!! Of course only if you have questions can there be progress. Fruits have been falling down from trees since the beginning of creation. Many people saw it and went their own way. No one questioned as to why it was falling down on the ground. Only one person thought and wondered why the fruit was falling down and not going up or side ways. He discovered that there was some force pulling it down. That question in his mind led to the discovery of gravity. That person was Newton. So there can be progress only if there are questions. Coming back to the conference in Delhi… I asked the lady “Suppose the drop wants to become the ocean what is the simplest and easiest way, Mataji?” The answer is simple and easy. The drop has to jump into the ocean and then it is not a drop any more. Spirituality, Vedanta or philosophy is as easy as that. How did the drop get separated from the ocean? May it was blown by the wind or some thing. So it should jump back into the ocean then it won’t be called a drop anymore we call it the big ocean. So if you want to become the omnipotent and omnipresent cosmic energy simply have connection with it. If you have the connection you will become part and part of that. That is the secret of spirituality.

Embodiments of Love,

Divine blessings to you all. Wherever you are, have the connection with Guru. Don’t let your mind be aggravated. There are many things I like in the America and I quote them in many of my discourses. Our men back in India keep commanding their wife for anything they need. But here they help and share the work with the wife in everything from loading dishes in dishwasher to making their own coffee and also make coffee for the wife. I am very happy to see this transformation in Indian men. The wife and husband should be united where ever they may be. If the husband or wife yell at one another when they are upset it is because they are dear and close to each other. The matter will cool down if one of you remains quiet. Don’t feel bad and confuse yourself and confuse others. Try to understand one another. Since you have come all the way from India, remember that you are there for each other, both of you are there for the children and Guru is there for all of you. I switched from a spiritual discourse to this topic because this is very important. This is also spirituality. Spirituality never neglects materialism.

Self confidence is the best confidence.
Self discipline is the best discipline.
Self control is the best control.
Self satisfaction is the best satisfaction.
Self realization is the best realization.

Keep chanting ”Om Sri Sairam Gurudeva Datta” and see the feeling which you experience. Many people keep calling me and tell me their experiences, the good that happens to them etc. I tell them “O foolish people, I told you before also that I am not doing anything. I am the tube light and the switch is in your heart. If you switch it on and make connection you will get the light. I am nothing.” A teacher went to Hyderabad on some work and went to the secretariat. There he met the secretary. The secretary recognized the teacher and said that he was in that position because of the teachers grace. So the teacher was very pleased with himself. Then he goes to Koti(the market place). Suddenly he finds some one’s hand in his pocket. He catches hold of the hand and turns around. The person says “Teacher! It’s you!” You taught me when I was young. Because of your grace …. The teacher is not responsible for one person becoming the secretary or the other becoming a pickpocket. He taught the same way to both of them.

Let me narrate two more incidents before I conclude this discourse. Once in Viswamandiram, Birthday of this physical body was being celebrated. A disciple by the name Gogineni Kanakaiah went to Poddur and bought a very expensive set of robes and presented it to me. Just behind him came Dr. Prasada Raya Kulapathi, a great poet. I gave him those expensive robes presented by Kanakaiah garu. Kanakaiah garu saw it and was naturally a bit hurt. He didn’t say anything to me but went downstairs and shared his pain with Smt. Ishwari, wife of Akula Koteswara Rao. He told Smt. Iswari “Swamiji could have at least waited till I was out of here before he gave it to some one else. I got it all the way so that he would wear it.” In the evening during a discourse mentioning about it I said, “After all when it is given to me it is mine and I can do anything with it. It is my wish. After giving it to me also if you feel that the gift is YOURS then I shouldn’t have anything that does not belong to me. Since it does not belong to me but you, I gave it to the other person.” We give a gift to our friends and relatives and when we go to their place the first thing we see is if they still have our gift.

Now the second story। We usually think why Guru is testing us? Why is he putting us to so much? Imagine that I am a goldsmith. You have given me your mind which is gold for me and asked me to make a necklace out of it. Immediately I put it in the fire, then I stretched it, I hammered it, I bent it and then molded it and studded it with some stones. When I am doing all this, the gold will think, “What is this! He is putting me in fire, bending me, hammering me and doing all weird things.” Finally a beautiful necklace is ready. You wear it and go to a party in America. Everyone admires the necklace. The necklace is also so happy and is jumping with joy. By the time the ornament realizes that the goldsmith put it through so much to give it a beautiful shape he is not around and is busy molding another piece of gold. Guru is none other than the goldsmith and our mind is the gold. There is a very small village, and near it there is a big stone. Everyone throws garbage on it, spits on it. It is abuse by the villagers in every possible way. A committee is organized to build a temple for Lord Krishna. They collect funds and a beautiful temple is built. Now they wanted to install an idol of Lord Krishna. They were thinking of some places from where they could get a good sculptor. Someone suggested that in a nearby village there was a good sculptor, so there was no need to go to a far off place. The committee approached the sculptor, but he wanted to see the temple first, before he made the idol. So he went to the village. On the way he saw some thing else too. He saw the stone and also saw how the villagers were abusing it. He came at midnight with his own people, and took that stone and kept it inside the place where he used to carve the idols. The villagers came to check on the progress after three months. The sculptor said that he was ever ready. He opened the door, and opened the curtain. Everyone was amazed by the skill of the sculptor. The idol was that of Lord Krishna dancing with his divine flute. They took that idol in a cart with all honors in a big procession. In the temple, a Swamiji was there to do the Prana pratistha, i.e. install the idol with all the Vedic rituals. Everyone was overjoyed. The sculptor went to the stage, took the microphone, and started laughing. Everyone was annoyed, and asked him as to what kind of a lunatic he was? The Sculptor said, “I am laughing at you. The idol that you are worshipping is the same stone which you all used to abuse with all your hearts content, just 3 months ago.” The villagers were really ashamed of themselves.” Each and every one of us is a stone, and the sculptor is the Sadguru. What did the sculptor do in reality? He cleaned the stone, chipped out unwanted parts of the stone, and carved the idol. In a similar way, a Sadguru also cleanses us of all the blemishes, and transforms us into good individuals and finally transforms us into God.

सबैको कल्याण होस....

सन्देश राज सुवेदी.....

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